February’s Roaster Spotlight

Kris Carlson

Never miss out on a Roaster Spotlight Coffee Box! Since each box has a limited quantity, by being a monthly subscriber you will be guaranteed to get a box AND you never have to remember to order again!

This is a win-win-win-win situation, y’all!


Orders ship the first week in March.


Origin: Ethiopia

Region: Gedeb, Gedeo

Producer - Negusse Debela owner of SNAP: working with farmers in the kebele of Worka Chelbessa

Elevation - 1900 - 2200 m.a.s.l.

Swiss Water Process (& Natural)

Varieties: 1974-1975 JARC Selections, Local Landraces


Thanks to Atlas Coffee Importers, each Glitter Cat Roaster receives one full-bag (that could be 150 pounds!) of donated coffee of their choice!

Each roaster works directly with Atlas to select their preferred coffee, whether the desire was grown in a certain origin or processed a certain way (can we get a “cheers!” for naturally processed coffees?!).

Roasters receive a few different samples, sample roasted, and select their coffee, and then get to work on designing swag labels, and all of the other magical components in your coffee boxes!

More about


Welcome to Griefscapes, an offering of decaf coffee and deep vulnerability in hopes that you find comfort in community. Here we explore grief and its various landscapes: Death, Loss, Failure, the Living Dead, Mental Health, and more. While each topic can extend to cover multiple terrains, my close friend Holly Bastin and I will touch on a few of these ideas, along with sharing some intimate experiences.

Decaf coffee invites our minds and bodies to take a break, to embrace a holistic perspective of the psychological and physical connection, and to open doors of the subconscious and dreamworld. Decaf is for chilling out, releasing, and unwinding! It is a special honor to share an Ethiopian decaf specifically, as this origin carries personal connection, detailed in the included zine.