September’s Roaster Spotlight

Baylee Engberg

You’ve asked and we’ve listened! Now you can have your monthly coffee box arrive on your door step automatically the first week of every month!

This new subscription option is perfect for those of us who know we always need fresh, unique, and delicious coffee, but don’t have the brain space to remember to order each month.

The other benefit - you will never miss out! Since each box has a limited quantity, by being a monthly subscriber you will always get a box. This is a win-win-win-win situation, y’all!


Orders ship the first week in October.


Origin: Costa Rica

Region: Santa Elena Estate in Tarrazu

Producer - Luz Marina Trujillo

Elevation - 1250 - 1650 masl

Honey Processed

90% Caturra, 10% Typica

More about


It's Baylee's time, y'all! One of our original Glitter Cat roasters has been making waves her whole career, proudly representing her Samish Indigenous heritage and advocating for women and nonbinary roasters as Managing Director of #shestheroaster. For our September Roasters Spotlight, Baylee has two words for you:

Past crop.

Baylee has selected a coffee from the Santa Elena Estate in the Tarrazú region of Costa Rica, from producer Luz Marina Trujillo. Baylee specifically requested a past crop coffee in order to highlight the issue of roasters disregarding older coffees that go unsold. Do great coffees lose all or even much of what makes them special after they reach a certain age green? And what does it mean for crises of pricing and climate change to treat last year's harvest as viable and, heavens, even delicious? With this release, Baylee's out to let you all know that you're narrow views of what makes great coffee could use some broadening.

Thank you Atlas for sponsoring the coffee!